Inspiráció: Hullámok...
Ebben a szuper időben leginkább csak vízközelbe vágyom, ezért örömmel "osztok" meg veletek néhány tengert, óceánt, melyek a legkülönfélébb "arculattal" varázsolnak el minket minden alkalommal. Liana Repass képzőművész munkáinak egy részéhez is inspirációként szolgáltak.
“While my interest in ocean surfaces touches upon these same concepts (ubiquitous patterning and scale), I am also drawn to the metaphorical implications of oceans. When observing wave patterns resemblances to other structures become apparent, such as those seen in desert floors, clouds, stellar structures, skin creases, the slept on sheets of a bed, and even DNA strands. Beyond these patterned connections, I am drawn to the ways in which oceans speak to the wholeness of an existence containing both controlled and chaotic elements. On the molecular level, a body of water is similar in consistency and appears controlled. Also, from a wider view, all of its waves and motions seem to coagulate into one breathing consistent body. However, on an intimate level, the observable actions of these bodies are unpredictable, sometimes even violent. This can imply a metaphor of the human body or psyche, in that all contained bodies harbor the unpredictable forces of entropy. For example, these forces can manifest as cancer or psychological disruptions, surfacing much like an unpredictable turbulence in a body of water. What speaks to a wholeness in the face of entropy is that although oceans have chaotic breaks from an otherwise peaceful fluid movement, the body of water continues to pulse in the form of its ebb and flow. This persistence mirrors the constant hum of all the elements of the universe in the face of dissolution. It is then, this persistence that I want to investigate and make apparent through my work.” – Liana Repass"
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